Cannings selection criteria
- Free range, grass fed beef and lamb that has never been feedlotted
- Free range chicken and pork, never been confined to cages, pens or stalls
- Sustainable Australian seafood classified as “Better Choice” by the AMCS
- No added growth promoting hormones or non-therapeutic antibiotics
- Suppliers certifications and standards have been provided to Cannings
- Physical interventions and/or procedures disclosed to Cannings
- Environmental management processes disclosed to Cannings
- Animal stocking densities disclosed to Cannings
- 100% alignment of values between Cannings and suppliers

Just like organic, our carefully selected free range producers raise their animals free from added hormones and non-therapeutic antibiotics. We are all about high welfare husbandry and clean, natural farming practices but we are NOT organic. That's a good thing though, because we are more affordable.
Just like organic

Free range means that for no period of time has the animal been confined to a cage, pen, stall, crate or feedlot. It means that they are free to express natural behaviour, in a natural environment. How could there be any other way?
Free range means

Did you know the majority of Australian beef is either grain supplemented or completely grain fed? This means time in a feedlot and the increased likelihood of prescribed growth hormones and antibiotics. This is not something that only happens in America. Feedlots are big business in Australia.
Did you know?

Responsible and regenerative farming practices are beneficial to the environment! Rotational grazing of livestock is integral to revitalising ecosystems as it enriches the soil with organic matter and increases its carbon-carrying capacity. Meat from grazing animals is also the most nutrient dense and complete food available to humans and is fundamental to the health of our species. These are such interesting topics and we implore you to research further. This book is a great place to start.
Free range for the planet
Frequently asked questions
No, we no longer offer home delivery, however if you would like one of our stores to pack a bulk order for you to collect and freeze just give them a call or shoot them an email.
We are not currently taking on new wholesalers.
No, unfortunately we are not able to offer gift cards.
If you have an existing gift card from our Online Store that you have not yet redeemed, please shoot us an email at and we can help!
It is common in Australia for commercial feeds to contain a mix of GMO and non-GMO ingredients without necessarily differentiating between them. For this reason, it is difficult to say with certainty whether species that receive a feed supplement as part of their diet such as pork and poultry are GMO free. Some producers use specific GMO free feeds, including our Ora King Salmon. Beef and lamb producers located in Tassie are also GMO free (as Tasmania is completely free from GMOs). Beef and lamb from other areas of Australia aren't guaranteed to be 100% GMO free, however most likely will not have any GMOs in their diet given that they are both grass fed and finished.
Whenever I am asked this, I feel it's important to first raise the question; is there such a thing as "humane slaughter"? I figure, that in a world where there's definitely such a thing as "inhumane slaughter", then the way animals are slaughtered in the four main abattoirs we receive meat from, must surely be a true definition of humane slaughter. These facilities are very well equipped and designed to minimise animal stress, while guaranteeing a fast, stress free and professional kill. In slaughter, the fact of the matter is; the animal must be stunned (rendered unconscious), and must be bled to death. I wish there was another way to put it. It is important to know, that at the four abattoirs we buy from, the animals never see their fellow animals get slaughtered before themselves. There are double-doors etc. which prevents this. There are occasionally rogue cases of animal cruelty in abattoirs. And we can only hope that the individuals who commit these crimes are punished accordingly and that the companies who employ them deplore the actions and constantly raise the standard of professionalism.
At Cannings, we believe that CCTV should be mandatory in all stock yards, cattle races, stunning boxes and kill floors, in every Australian abattoir, and that the footage be independently audited/reviewed. Please write to the following people and demand action: Michael Coffey CEO of Primesafe and Agriculture Minister Ros Spence MP
Chicken: <1 hour. Processed on-farm (Bendigo)
Turkey: <1 hour. Processed on-farm (Pooginagoric)
Beef: Between 1 and 3 hours of travel. Cattle is transported from northern Tasmania to Smithton, Tasmania.
Lamb: Between 1 - 12 hours of travel. Depends on seasonality. For most of the year, lambs are raised in Tasmania and processed in Corio (Vic)
Pork: 6 hours. Rokewood (Vic) to Murray Bridge (SA)
I'm not sure where the uncertainty or distrust that circles around sausage fillings come from, but in all my years in the meat industry, I have only ever seen good meat go into sausages, so that's what I put into them today. Most of our sausages are made from boneless shoulder and belly meat. We also put a small amount of what we call "trim" in our snags. Trim is basically the small pieces of meat and fat that are cut off your favourite pieces, like rumps, porterhouse, chuck etc, in order for us to sell them. We trim these larger cuts to perfection, then the small pieces go into the sausages. It's good meat, but they don't represent a desired cut/portion. Once it's minced, it's awesome. A good sausage really comes down to how much fat it has, and we aim for 80% lean meat, 20% fat.
We support a handful of local schools and organisations, and a few of Australia's best animal welfare protection organisations. If your local organisation is in need of fundraising, please complete the Donations and Sponsorship form on our Contact page.
Our Ora King Salmon and Spring Creek Barramundi are farmed because Cannings strives to source its seafood from only the most sustainability-minded suppliers in Australia and New Zealand. It's no secret that seafood is a dwindling resource so we only choose species and production methods approved by the Australian Marine Conservation Society's Sustainability Guide. We also think that Spring Creek and Ora King are what every fish farm should strive to be like.
Ora King Salmon is slaughtered using the ikejime method, where a spike is quickly inserted into the brain, causing immediate brain death. Spring Creek Barramundi and our wild caught seafood are slaughtered using the ice slurry method.
The best way to freeze meat is to either vacuum seal prior to popping in the freezer, or to use a freezer or zip lock bag and squish all the air out of it around your meat. A tight seal will mean your meat is less likely to develop freezer burn. It can also be a good idea to freeze meat into your desired portion sizes (2 chicken breasts per bag, 500g of mince, etc.) so you can defrost as needed, rather than having to thaw a large quantity all at once. Make sure any meat you're freezing has not been in the fridge too long when you pop it in the freezer or it may spoil.
It is not recommended to re-freeze products that have been frozen and thawed previously, such as our prawns and calamari. Although products like ham, smoked turkey and shashliks with fresh veggies can be frozen, they generally do not thaw well and will likely not retain their taste and texture. When thawing, safely defrost in the fridge rather than on the bench. It's good to plan ahead if you're defrosting a larger roasting piece like chicken or turkey as these can take around 48 hours to thaw.
Bovaer is a new supplement predominantly used in feedlot cattle (where they are intensively fed grain), that claims to reduce methane emissions in cattle. Cannings beef is free range and 100% grass fed and finished, without the use of supplements such as Bovaer. Cannings is focused on clean food, and as such Sam Canning will be keeping a very close eye on the use of this supplement to ensure we continue to keep Cannings beef Bovaer free now and into the future.
Free range means that for no period of time, have the animals been refused access to fully open air, and natural open pasture. The term also dictates certain stocking densitites which must not be breached. Free range is natural.
No. We are not Halal or Kosher certified.
No, we are no longer offering online click and collect. Please give your local Cannings a call if you'd like items to be put aside for you.
No! All of our produce is free range, with no added hormones or non-therapeutic antibiotics, but is not certified organic. Just because something is organic, doesn't guarantee the highest standard of animal welfare. Our priority is welfare, and clean, natural farming practices. Because we are NOT organic, we are much more affordable.
Cannings will not be stocking produce from suppliers who choose to vaccinate their livestock against Foot and Mouth or Lumpy Skin diseases with the proposed mRNA vaccines. Based on declarations from our current suppliers and producers, this procedure is not being rolled out yet. Cannings are staunch advocates for clean, healthy food that nourishes our body, mind and spirit and we will push back hard against these imposed measures until it can be proven that it is safe to eat meat from animals that have been administered these experimental 'vaccines'. To date, there is no evidence to suggest that it's good, bad or indifferent but we will be keeping a very close eye on this space. You have our word that we will continue to search high and low for clean produce, while staying true to our core values around animal welfare.