3 Ways To Sneak Some Extra Offal Into Your Diet

Ahh, offal. We know it's a superfood, we know it's awesome for our health, but it can still be so intimidating to cook with! If you're looking to sneak a bit of extra offal into your diet without having to think too much about it, here are some of our favourite offal hacks.
1. Pate!
We definitely don't need an excuse to fill up on our favourite free range pates, but this is a very delicious way to get a bit of offal into your diet. We have two absolutely gorgeous pates at Cannings - one from City Larder, and one for our dairy free friends (made with coconut oil) from Offally Good. Something for everyone!
2. Paleo Mince
Our paleo mince is made with 80% lean beef mince, 15% beef fat, 5% liver (all grass fed and finished, of course!), which makes it a perfect option for sneaky, no fuss offal. This product lives in our freezer section, so keep an eye out next time you're in store if you're looking to level up your bolognese!
3. Start Out With Offal-ish Cuts
Did you know that beef tail and beef cheeks are technically classified as offal? You probably don't immediately think of these two when you think of offal, but they are! Both are perfect for low and slow braising, and will break down to give you tender, melt in your mouth meat. Beef tail is also full of collagen, which is thought to be beneficial for joint health and perhaps even helps to maintain healthy skin and hair!