Condiment-to-be: Our favourite ways to jazz up a BBQ snag!

We all know that sauce is an essential component of any good BBQ snag, but when it comes to which condiments to use, it can be controversial to stray from good old tomato sauce. They say variety is the spice of life, so we’re doing the hard yards for you and testing out some of our favourite Cannings condiments as sausage toppings! We got a few members of the Cannings Team together to taste test four different flavour combos in time for BBQ season...
Cannings Tomato Sauce
An absolutely classic pairing - they do say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Cannings Tomato Sauce makes a great accompaniment to any BBQ snag. It’s made with real, fresh ingredients without being too big for its boots.
Verdict: The good kind of fancy - we got a unanimous vote that you can’t beat this classic pairing (although we loved the other sauces too so… ¿porque no los dos?).
Sauerkraut and Cannings Honey & Tarragon Wholegrain Mustard
We are headed to Europe with this flavour combo. When you’re feeling adventurous but want something fail-safe, sauerkraut and mustard truly never let you down. Not to mention, sauerkraut is great for your gut - healthy, right?
Verdict: This would be amazing on a pork sausage (think English Pork). We love the texture of this combo - especially the added crunch from the sauerkraut. The wholegrain mustard gives this a rustic feel, but could easily be substituted for a smooth version if you prefer.

Cannings Smokey Sauce with Caramelised Onion
When you want to get a little decadent with your BBQ snag, this is the way to go. The sweetness of the onions and the BBQ sauce together make this a subtle but unstoppable American-style combo.
Verdict: This was a real winner with our team! It’s a classic set of flavours to pair with a BBQ snag, but definitely feels a little bit luxe. Crack this one out if you want to inspire some sausage envy at the BBQ.
Cannings Sweet Chilli Sauce, Sour Cream and Fresh Spring Onion
We’ve come to our most adventurous suggestion - a fusion dish, if you will. We weren’t sure if this one would work buuuut...
Verdict: Our team dubbed this “the Tex-Mex sausage”, and it was a hit! The sweet chilli and sour cream balance nicely, with a little pop of freshness from the spring onion. Think wedges or American-style tacos! We thought this would be beautiful with a chicken snag like the Chicken Florentine, topped off with a bit of tasty cheese.
So there you have it, a few new ideas for your next BBQ. These are great to have up your sleeve if you’re after something a bit different (or if you’re on your second or third snag and want to spice it up). Happy eating!