Insights From Sam Canning: New Year, New Focus
New year, new focus! Off the back of a great summer with my family, I'm feeling ready for 2020. Personally, I'm focusing on consuming less coffee, spending more time with my daughters in our music room at home and going on more family adventures in the great outdoors. Professionally, after a big growth year in 2019, I'm really looking forward to a year of consolidation and refinement.

New year, new focus! Off the back of a great summer with my family, I'm feeling ready for 2020. Personally, I'm focusing on consuming less coffee, spending more time with my daughters in our music room at home and going on more family adventures in the great outdoors. Professionally, after a big growth year in 2019, I'm really looking forward to a year of consolidation and refinement.
As a team, we have so many great ideas that we want to bring to life, but whenever we have new store openings on the horizon, it makes it very hard to get these new ideas off the ground. In my office, I'm standing more whilst working on the computer, and I'm moving back to an old school paper diary to keep track of my to-dos in a bid to spend less time in front of the computer screen. My goal is to live more in the analogue (real) world and less inside a computer. Good luck to me!!
Questions I'm asking myself this month are; why does it take some time away from the day-to-day to remember what we value or who want to be or what we want to be doing more or less of? How do we remember these things when we're well and truly back in the day-to-day. How do we keep ourselves in check and make sure we're LIVING the changes that we've set for ourselves. Sure... we all know the answer to these questions is meditation, stillness and mindfulness. But I'm not there yet. Maybe that's something for 2021.
- Sam