Our Pick: Honest Eggs

Introducing our brand new egg supplier - Honest Eggs!!
We have absolutely loved partnering with Bimbadeen Eggs for so many years, however with their egg production winding down, we’ve had our eye out for a new supplier who is just as amazing. Enter - Honest Eggs.
Honest Eggs are a local free range egg collective located outside Daylesford, VIC. Their stocking density is an incredible 30 chooks per hectare - that’s the equivalent of 50 chooks per AFL ground. These happy ladies live out their lives with free access to lush pastures 24/7 where they can forage for various grasses, bugs, worms, and grubs, supported by a vet formulated grain supplement. Honest Eggs are located within 300 km of Melbourne which we love as it keeps the food miles on these beautiful eggs down.
Another big win for Honest Eggs is that they practice regenerative farming, a farming method that helps to store more carbon, improving soils and pastures naturally. We believe really strongly in regenerative farming for the future of our planet, so we are beyond excited to partner with a like minded producer in this space! These are such interesting topics and we implore you to research further. This book (Sacred Cow) is a great place to start.
You might be wondering, if they can roam freely all day every day, are the chooks vulnerable to predators? Think again, because these chickens are watched over by the cutest guardians of all time. Honest Eggs use Maremma dogs to protect their flocks - “each dog is introduced to the flocks at an early age to create strong familial bonds, protecting and warning our chooks of any possible predators. They grow to love one another deeply and are often found cuddling together basking in the sun.” If you would like to have your heart warmed and maybe have a little happy cry, we would encourage you to watch this video of a Maremma puppy in training over at one of their farms https://www.instagram.com/p/B8x1--tnTKM/ - you’ve been warned!!
Honest Eggs are really committed to transparency, which is one of our core values here at Cannings. As they say themselves “We are committed to no bs. We don't put rolling hills with chooks on the front of our packs but in reality have 10,000 chooks per hectare (1 per sqm) and a dirt run down the side of a barn just because it meets government regulations and we can get away with it. Our no BS approach permeates everything we do. It means things like even the photos on our website are all from our farms. We are farming for those who value integrity.”
So - we hope that this has provided a bit of insight into why Honest Eggs is such a great fit for Cannings - who else is excited to grab a carton of these in-store soon!?
Try Honest Eggs for yourself in-store or order online here